class puppet_master { # https repo requires apt-transport-https package already # requested in a long generic package list elsewhere. apt::source { "passenger": comment => "Passenger (Ruby/Puppet)", location => "", release => $lsbdistcodename, repos => "main", # Only accept packages if they have "passenger" in the name. pin => { origin => "", priority => "901", packages => "*passenger*", }, key => { id => "16378A33A6EF16762922526E561F9B9CAC40B2F7", server => "", }, include => { src => false, deb => true, }, } package { ["libnginx-mod-http-passenger", "passenger"]: ensure => installed, # Forgot to do this in time: Add a dependency to the repo # above to avoid accidentally installing the passenger package # from proper Debian first. } # You don't want the stand-alone daemon to occupy 8140/tcp anymore. augeas { "puppetmaster-start-nope": context => "/files/etc/default/puppet-master", changes => "set START no"; } class { "::web": sites => [ "puppet-master", ], # Really should be the default.. php => false, } }