00:50 Fyren| I'm trying to use bitlbee with purple and a purple plugin in ~/.purple/plugins, but it doesn't get loaded and I don't see anything interesting with BITLBEE_DEBUG. Should it be loaded from home directories or will only system plugins work? What else can I do to debug? (Should I be asking somewhere purple-centric?) 01:06 demure| Fyren: what User is running your bitlbee? I use a system wide install, and have it reading systemwide purple plugins. 01:09 Fyren| demure: I compiled bitlbee, the libpurple plugin (and some bitlbee plugins) and I'm running it as my user. libpurple is system installed, though. 01:11 demure| all I can say is that on my debian sid install of bitlbee w/ purple, it works when I put my purple plugins in /usr/lib/purple-2/ 07:52 wgreenhouse| bigfluff: that's pretty rad 13:59 wilmer| yes, nice weekend project :-) 14:00 wilmer| Fyren: Hrm, yes you'd think that that works. :-( It's been years or I'd remember how to turn on libpurple debugging output to see where it's loading plugins from. 14:01 wilmer| I do hope that the daemonisation process doesn't somehow goes too far in obfuscating what is your $HOME but .... surely not 15:24 bigfluff| Aha, got it tied into IFTTT so I can get IRC alerts for just about anything 15:28 wilmer| hah, ifttt has an irc actuator/thingy? 15:29 Fyren| For my question earlier, it turns out libpurple itself doesn't look for plugins in ~/.purple/plugins, only their clients like pidgin do. 15:30 Fyren| But it was a one line change to purple have it add another path to search. 15:38 wilmer| Fyren: How did you do that? 15:39 wilmer| A BitlBee PR to make it do the same sounds appropriate. Though mind you, we've kinda stopped doing releases. :-/ 15:41 Fyren| wilmer: I recompiled purple, so I don't know if it's part of their public API, but there's a purple_plugins_add_search_path() that purple itself only calls with the system lib dir. 16:55 dx| idk, i'll probably get one release out some day in the next few months 16:55 dx| i think there's nothing particularly exciting in the queue right now? 17:05 wilmer| I don't even know anymore honestly 17:05 wilmer| dx: BitlBee 3.0 is >10y old now /o\ 17:06 wilmer| which also means BTW that in normal countries, BitlBee has reached drinking age 17:10 dx| :D 17:11 dx| zoomers probably refer to it as 'grandpa' 17:11 wilmer| hah, possibly 17:17 Fyren| https://github.com/bitlbee/bitlbee/blob/master/protocols/purple/purple.c#L1816-L1817 17:18 Fyren| bitlbee already does this, but it could add another directory that's user writable. 17:19 Fyren| But if you're compiling it yourself to run as a user, you probably set prefix to somewhere in your user space anyway. 17:21 Fyren| ...yet that doesn't seem to work for me. I dunno, heh. 17:52 dx| ah, i did vaguely remember adding something to the purple search path before 17:53 dx| Fyren: which path did you try? 17:54 dx| "TODO: figure out a better interface later (famous last words)" mood 17:55 Fyren| dx: My first attempt, I built bitlbee with purple on, built the purple plugin, and rebuilt my two bitlbee plugins I use. 17:55 Fyren| I put all the plugins in bitlbee/lib but the purple one didn't load. 17:58 Fyren| Doing this all as a user, but using the system's libpurple. 18:00 Fyren| While futzing around, I did what I said above (built my own libpurple where I stuck in another purple_plugins_add_search_path) and it worked. I didn't notice bitlbee even called that itself till after.